Miniature Monday 72

Hello everyone and welcome to another episode of Miniature Monday, coming to you slightly late from a French public holiday day (yay!). It was another productive week on the hobby table entirely absorbed by the Witches of Mount Anarch project (aka my little Grey Knights army).

First, the painting, for which I only have a WIP to show albeit a relatively advanced one. Here’s the Psicannon Witch from my first Strike Squad:

I think this one is already an improvement on the first (at least, so far). I managed to do a better job on the face, makeup included and having already an idea of where I wanted to go with the paintjob made the whole process faster.

Keeping with the idea of a punk rock inspired paint scheme, the anarchy sign (Mount Anarch, got it?) is also coming along nicely. Even though next week will be a rather busy one, I should be able to show this one finished in the next episode.

On the building side, I also finished building the Terminators squad:

This kit was again a great pleasure to build, and I am very happy with the inclusion of the Stormcast melee weapon (love the two handed sword in particular), but I am a bit afraid about painting them as they really have a ton of details. Still, with this unit finished, the Combat Patrol is all built and ready for more (small) battles.

My goal is to bring this force to 1000 points, with 2 heroes (kitbashed), 2 units of Terminators, and 3 Strike Squad (one of which kitbashed with the spare parts of the box + more Stormcast bodies). Not a bad showing for 3 boxes of infantry. On the way to that, I have also built the second Strike Squad:

In doing so I discovered that the “standard” Grey Knights are relatively small (my clubmate told me that they are “not Primaris”) so that even epic-scale Fantasy heads fit quite well. I was particularly happy with the Justicar (with the Sisters of the Watch head) and the one with the Glaive (with the Shadow Warrior head). I also used a couple of tactical rocks to try and bring more dynamism to the poses and differentiate them more from the first squad.

All in all the Witches of Mount Anarch project is coming along nicely. The building part has been a blast and taking more time with the painting is nice -albeit it means it will be a long time before I get to field a fully painted army (but I prime them grey so that they will still be…. Grey Knights).

I am always expecting the hype for AoS 4th edition to derail my plans but so far I am relatively neutral about it: everything seems alright about the rules, but my Stormcast (usual disclaimer: super early take, I am after all talking about pure feelings) seem to be cursed to be a very bland force once again. Time will tell, in the meantime I am happy to add another force to my roster of games and increase my chances of finding games in family-friendly time slots. Tune in next week to see if any of that has changed, my plans, apart from finishing the Psicannon Witch, include building a kitbashed Strike Squad and buying the second box of Terminators.

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