Miniature Monday 69

Hello everyone, welcome back! It’s a new week and I am only slightly late for lunch break so I hope you’re ready for another episode of Miniature Monday. This will be another furiously typed episode but at least I have done some hobby this week! and that’s lucky, because on the gaming side the game I had planned fell through.

Anyway, here’s the result of a week of slightly more painting. First of all, I finishd the Annihilator of which I had shown a WIP last week:

Not sure the extra work is noticeable on the picture, but trust me (my dad works at Nintendo), it is visible IRL. In fact, since I decided to put a bit more time on these and explore new stuff, I asked for some feeback from a good painter from my club -the kind of painter who makes a living out of painting other people’s minis. So, I tried some stronger edge hilighting in the high areas of the armour (orange and gold) and some extra lining.

All of this was applied to the final Annihilator, because yes, I finished two miniatures this week!

I must say, I really like the result, and it didn’t take a huge amount of extra work -of course, it would be huge if multiplied over an entire army, but that’s the advantage of sitting on between 10 and 20 thousand points, depending on how the cuts will turn out, of already painted Stormcast.

This made me also go back to the first Annihilator of the unit to touch it up in a similar way. Also, I am looking forward to keep doing this in the future, as long as I don’t have to rush paint stuff for an event. Anyway, here’s the family picture!

And it’s not all yet. After kitbashing my first Reclusian, this week, prompted by the little one asking to “build some miniatures” (she likes because she gets to pick which heads to use) I have built the two “squires” (i.e. Memorians) for the new Stormcast unit.

These were mostly built using Frostgrave kits (Wizards II, Soldiers II, Fanatics), plus some leftover bits from the Hurricanum kit.

As always, it was a blast to work with the Frostgrave stuff: having so many options in terms of heads and arms is just fun and allowed me to get (I think/hope) quite close to the vibe of the official minis. I am looking forward to painting those, although I also want to stick to my plan and paint the rest of the minis of the Stormcast Spearhead box -I only need to build and paint the Vexillor now.

Anyway, that was it for this week, tune in the next Monday to see how much time I had for the hobby and how I decided to use it!

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