Miniature Monday 65

Another week has flown by so here we go again: get ready for another lightweight episode of Miniature Monday, coming to you live from a sunny but cold corner of France. Yes, work is still kind of crazy, so this will be another quick episode. Still, I do have something to show, so let’s dive straight into it!

Hobby-side, I have used the two short sessions at the hobby table that I got this week to work on my Empire project. Basically, I assembled this stuff:

The main kit is Forgotten World’s Northmen Warriors, or something like that. It was a lovely kit to put together. While a tad repetitive and a bit chunky for 28-mm, it’s nicely detailed and gives you the full command. At 21€ for 12 it’s not the cheapest option but still largely acceptable! I spiced it up a little bit by using some bits from other kits (GW’s crossbowmen/handgunners, Pike&Shotte Landskenecht) but that was all.

I plan to buy one more kit to build a big block of (Veteran) State Troops. The spare banner and musicians will also surely come in handy for other units.

After all this building I wanted to start testing some painting schemes. So I fast&furiously painted a mini from Frostgrave soldiers. It is of course a very shoddy paintjob, and the pictures are also hastily taken in very bad lighting, but I like the idea of the red and black scheme and was happy to use metallics once again after a long time.

There’s still a lot of space (like, huge, plains, universes) for improvement but I think it will do. I also liked the results on the basing scheme. Something I would like to experiment with in this project are battle damage, chipping, rust and similar stuff -I have nevery really done any weathering on my miniatures so it’s a good opportunity to learn something new.

And that was it for the hobby. Luckily, the stars aligned again on Saturday night and I got to play another game of Old World: 1500pts of my Winter Court Wood Elves vs my clubmate’s Dwarves in the basic scenario. I have kept tuning down my list after the past victories and the feedback of my clubmates about the playstyle (not exactly engaging) of the Wood Elves, so I am happy to report that I finally lost a game!

It all came down quite quickly: my 4 treekins charged into the rangers on the left, did 2 wounds, lost combat by 1, rolled a nice 12 for leadership and fled… into the Treeman ancient, who proceeded to roll an 11 and fled. Then the abovementioned rangers charged my fleeing treekins and cut them down -afterwards the Acient would rally and hammer the rangers to regain a little bit of his honour. On the other side, the cannons killed some stuff, althoough the shooting I had brought was still effective (and basically gave me the only points I scored, once again pushing me towards the “why wouldn’t I just add more shooting?” problem).

In the end, I lost 450 to 190poins, the game was lots of fun and again lasted for around 2 hours, which is really the sweet spot for me at the moment: getting a game in and still managing to get enough sleep before my daughter wakes up is just perfect.

Finally, some non-hobby-hobby: as you will know if you follow GW stuff, AoS 4th edition got announced. While my relatinoship with AoS is quite cold at the moment, I was happy to see the confirmation of the Spearhead format, even advertised as a 1-hour-and-done format. This has given me enough motivation to check my collection and see what I need to paint to put on the table the Stormcast spearhead. So, next up on the table will be 3 Annihilators and a Knight Vexillor (with Banner of Apotheosis, not to be confused with the normal Knight Vexillor), although with the current state of my agenda even these 4 minis might take some time to finish painting.

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