Miniature Monday 62

Hello everyone, a new week just started and… it is what? Tuesday you say? Right. Soo, welcome everyone to another episode in the proud tradition of the belated Miniature Monday, coming to you live from my lunch break!

The hobby-mood is a bit gloomy: the game I had rescheduled for last weekend fell through again. My daughter is also sick (the reason for the dealy of this episode). Nothing serious, just standard stuff, but it’s unlikely I’ll have the time for a game this week. Still, at least the painting goes on!

As anticipated last week, I have been painting a couple of ASOIAF Free Folk Giants to use them as Tree Kin in my Winter Court Wood Elves army. Here the result:

Of course, they only got two poses so it’s already a bit repetitive at 4, but the miniatures themselves are just the right size and fit perfectly on 50x50mm. As for the painting itself, I think it tourned out alright. I went a bit heavier with the snow to make it look as if they were just waking up from their slumber.

All in all, considering how the lore for Winterheart says they don’t have too many Tree Spirits in their armies, I think having them as more humanoid like is a nice touch, sort of Tree People more than Tree Spirits.

But that’s not all! In preparation for the game which didn’t take place, I also wanted to try a wizard (Spellweaver/Spellsinger) on elven steed, so I had to kitbash one. Having built it (more on that in a second), I liked the result so much I painted it straight away:

It’s a proper Frankestein’s Monster with a horse from old Glade Riders, legs from an historical cavalry kit, the body from the Sisters of Avelorn, staff from the Siters of the Thorn, the head and an arm from Kings of War, and the spellcasting hand from Frostgrave wizards. I must say, in this period of my hobby-life, I find exploring my unused bitz and colletions to create new miniatures very rewarding.

So that was it for the hobby side. I am now batch painting some Glade Guards and more archers from the Northern Alliance to get to the stage where I can put on the table a fully painted Winter Court army. The goal is within reach paint-wise, the hardest part, it seems, will be getting a game…

Now, because of how my brain works in terms of rewards, I fought the gloom by buying some stuff. Not for the Winter Court (still sticking to my recycling goals for that one!), but for my new project: an Empire army. The idea is mixing a couple of themes: outlaws and scoundrels, mercenaries (in particular, drawing inspiration from the units in my childhood favourite “Warhammer: Dark Omen”), and paesant/religious uprising (Frankenhausen 1525; Munster 1534-1535). As I said before, I find mixing and matching kits very rewarding right now, so my theme for this new project will be exploring alternative ranges from fantasy (Oathmark, Frostgrave, Forgotten World) and historicals (Pike&Shotte, Perry…), plus my existing collection of course, and see what I can produce with those. What do I like from the Empire: pistoliers/outriders, flagellants, mortars, free company militia. I think most of this stuff is pretty bad rules-wise, but that’s a nice challenge! That having been said, I don’t expect to be working on this straight away, so I’d say you can expect news on this in a month or so.

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