Miniature Monday 59

Hello everyone and welcome to another episode of Miniature Monday. I hope you all have had a great of weekend. Here it was spent travelling to visit some friends -so it was great, but the 500km over two days and back to work is always a bit tiring.

That having been said, I managed to get some hobby done before the weekend rolled in. Notably I kept working on my Winter Court project and finished painting the unit of Sisters of the Thorn!

As always, it’s a quick paintjob, but the large banner (which I had to repair, I hate banners) had so much space I had to do something with it. So I channeled my best primary-school-level drawing skills and free handed the Winterheart symbol.

Yeah, it’s not great, but it’s recognisable and that’s already something. My wife said it’s “cute”, and she wouldn’t lie to me about it would she?? Still, another unit done and I got to field an almost fully painted army.

Because, yes, I got to play another game with my Winterheart Wood Elves! It was 1000 points again vs a clubmate’s Ogres (on a 48×48″ table). We had to use 2d terrain as we were playing at his place on Friday evening. Apart from the game itself we both loved the time slot: we’re both dads with jobs and we like to spend time with our families over the weekend, so getting a game in on Friday night works very well for us. Let’s hope we can do this more often!

As for the game itsel, again, we wre mostly learning the rules. I experimented on purpose with blocking/redirecting charges with the Great Eagles… with a 50% success rate -one of his charges managed to wheel and avoid the eagle to crash into my Wardancers. Still, poisoned arrows and a surprisingly good performance from the Shadowdancer (lucky killing blows really hurt against such expensive models) carried the Winter Court to the victory!

My opponent had basically two units (Bulls+Wizard and Ironguts+Tyrant) and a lot of points in chracters (almost 50%). My main concern, of course based on an extremely limited experience, is that the Wood Elves playstyle might not be the most engaging for my opponents. I’ll see if the feeling is confirmed when we climb to 1500/2000pts and in case I’ll just run more melee (and die)

In “passive hobby” news, a clubmate who has left the hobby a couple of years ago saw all the renewed interest for Old World stuff and decided to crack open his crates to sell his old collection. I got to pickup a box of “oh just a couple of Wood Elves units” for an incredibly good price, and was pretty surprised when I discovered the extent of the “couple of units” (had to use the panorama picture to get it all, apologies if it’s basically impossible to see anything):

Apart from going back to him to offer to pay more for the lot (would have felt bad oterhwise), this has catapulted my Wood Elves from a little side project to the second largest army after my Stormcast. Speak of scope creep! There’s some really nice old minis in metal in there and I was very happy when I went through it. I’ll start stripping the metal ones (because it’s easy) and we’ll see what to paint first.

And that’s it for this week. I don’t think the stars will align again for a game this week, so I’ll probably just keep on painting: I have an idea to kitbash a general on Great Stag (spoiler: it won’t be an actual great stag) and I need to paint the Wild Riders to get my first 1000 poins fully painted. Tune in next Monday to see how far I have got!

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