Miniature Monday 54 feat. New Year Plans

Hi all, and welcome to another episode of Miniature Monday, going live barely hours before the end of Monday -at least in my timezone! This episode will also feature some (quick) plans for 2024 since, contrary to my hopes, and didn’t manage to write another post last week.

Anyway, let’s start with the hobby news as usual. Last week I painted my first stand of W’adrhun for Conquest! (the leader also being the first miniature I painted in 2024)

It’s speedpainting as usual, which seems to work great on these minis -and would be even better if I had cleaned more moldlines. I must say, going back to army-painting mode, not caring about small mistakes (because who’s going to notice in a regiment of minimum 12 orcs??) was really relaxing and enjoyable. I also liked the textured paint on the base. Again, nothing fancy, but it works and it’s a nice contrast with the green skin.

The interest of the little one for “ORCS!” was still there so I got quite a lot of extra hobby time sitting together with her. To try and keep this going I have bought a couple of big plastic dinosaurs and I will prime them so that she can get painting some cool stuff as well. We’ll see how it goes!

Not much going on on the game side, with the club still closed, but I have a game of Conquest scheduled for next Saturday, so that’s something to look forward to.

My hobby in 2024

Coming to the plans for the new year -not really “resolutions” as my hope is, as often, “please just more of basically the same”.

What I can see from the perspective of the end of 2023 is: there’s going to be some rank and flank in my 2024. Be it the Old World (I blame Rob and Val at the Square Bassed/The Honest Wargamer for getting me hyped) or Conquest, these seem to be picking up speed at the club, and I have understood that the perspective of being able to use my minis in the forseable future is a main driver of my motivation.

So in terms of plans, in the first half of the year my goals are to:

  • Paint the ~1500pts of W’adrhun I have already built/bought, climbing up to ~2000pts if I manage to get games semi-regularly
  • Put together and paint ~2000pts of (count as) Wood Elves for The Old World using (mostly) minis I already have from KoW and ASOIAF. This is also likely to give me a full army for SAGA Age of Magic.

And that’s the first part of the year sorted. Also because together with this I would like to work on some 2d/3d terrain for these games (at the moment the idea is just normal terrain that fits on top of neoprene 2d terrain).

The second part of the year is largely dependant on what happens with AoS and 4th edition. If the new edition manages to draw me back in, I expect to be painting the new stuff the Stormcasts will inevitably get.

If it doesn’t, then I admit I don’t have a plan yet. One thing I want to keep working on is Mutant Chronicles, both in terms of my old minis, the new ones which I should be getting at some point from the Warzone Eternal kickstarter, and the Luna City table.

I am sure a lot of stuff will come up to disrupt these plans. I cannot fail but notice that for the first time I have not included plans/goals related to events and tournaments. This is because, outside of AoS, it’s not sure I will have an event for a system I play in a reasonable range. One thing that might change this is that with the shorter duration of games for some of these games (Conquest in particular), a day trip to Paris by train to play a 3-games one dayer is not impossible, as long as the event is on a Saturday, so I’ll be on the lookout for such an opportunity.

And that’s it, let’s see how it goes and, in the meantime, see you next week-ish.

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