Miniature Monday 7

Welcome everyone to a new Miniature Monday, evening edition on this… back to work eve. Hooray!

Christmas is behind us so I can finally reveal the miniatures I painted for our friends who came to visit all the way from Cambridge.

The first one you already saw in last week’s sneak peek, so here’s a different angle from a distance which can only be described as too close for comfort.

And here’s his wife as well:

You can’t see it from this angle but she even has nail polish! Also, it was the first time using true metallics after four months of a strict contrast-paints-only diet

Since these were just two small on-foot characters, I decided they also needed a more epic version and included in my gift a mounted version (or rather, for him, a different mounted character). So here we go!

I was super happy about the face colours of this one, even though for the rest I was running out of time so I stuck with the contrast-over-drybrush style (some may even call it “slapchop”).

And finally for the last one

And that’s it really, I hope they enjoyed their gift, they surely were kind enough to receive it very warmly which filled me with joy!

Last week I also promised to come back to my new year’s resolutions. Having had more time to think about them, I have concluded that “diversification” is a good guiding light for the coming year. This is strongly influenced by the shortening of the AoS “seasons”, which kind of discourages me from starting a new army and, to be honest, is presently making it all feel a bit like a chore (but it’s probably the end-of-the-year fatigue talking). Hence in 2023 I hope to

  • Play at least one game of OPR’s Age of Fantasy, Saga: Age of Magic, Middle Earth strategy game, and Mordheim (yes, apparently we’re starting this as well at my club)
  • Play at least in one event of a game system other than AoS
  • Keep going deeper instead of wider and get at least one unit of each warscroll in the Stormcast book (Underworlds warbands excluded) painted

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